Question: Do I need to Register use this website?
Answer: No. You can access most areas of the website without Registering including being able to run pedigrees, race records and sire reports.

Question: What is the benefit of Registering then?
Answer: Certain areas of the website are restricted to users who have Registered and who thereby have agreed to the Arion Terms and Conditions.

Question: What are your terms and conditions?
Answer: Click here to view our Terms and Conditions. Please pay particular note as to the permitted uses of the information retrieved from the website.

Question: How do I create an account?
Answer: Click on the Register button on the top right of each screen.

Question: Do I have to log in every time I visit the website
Answer: No - when you log in, you are asked whether you want the website to remember you. If you click yes, you will remain logged in for 2 weeks before the website will again ask you to log in. Note - if you are using a computer other than your own, it is best to Log out at the end of your session.

Question: How do I pay for pedigrees - is your site secure
Answer: We use the services of the Internationally recognised standard, Payment Express, to undertake all our payment processes.

Question: I have clicked 'Save as RTF' but nothing happens
Answer: Most likely, your browser has identified the file as potentially dangerous. You will have the option of accepting these types of files. Once you have done this, click the Save as RTF a second time. The pedigree will either opern up in Word automatically or prompt you as to whether you want to save or open the file..

Question:I've saved a Magic Millions or NZ Bloodstock style pedigree but the bolding doesn't come out right.
Answer: Magic Millions and New Zealand Bloodstock pedigrees use a special font set to produce the high light/bold contrast which is a feature of them. Please contact us to receive a copy of the required fonts and the instructions on how to download them.

Question: I'm having trouble with pdf pedigrees in Firefox.
Answer: There is a known issue in Firefox 3.5.3 with regard to the pdf reader. It effectively stops other normal functions on the page from working correctly until you click a pedigree option. That sets in train a series of steps which clears the problem. Firefox 3.6.2 worked correctly, and we anticipate the error introduced in 3.6.3 will be fixed at the next release.